Offers researchers the chance to unravel cancer secrets

Despite the difficult circumstances we are facing because of a decline in donations, 57357 is committed to continuous upgrading of tools and equipment to maintain the level of treatment quality provided to children.

Within the framework of our involvement in research work, which is one of 57357’s main pillars for advancement, the Hospital received a new research tool, the confocal microscope that offers high accuracy and high quality image thanks to the support of the CIB bank.

According to Dr. Shahenda Alnaggar, head of 57357’s research department, the confocal microscope offers researchers an imaging of the cell from all dimensions and precisely identifying proteins inside it. The image is characteristic for its clarity and high quality which helps researchers produce more accurate scientific papers and publish them in high rank periodicals.

Confocal microscope is unique in its ability to produce a live imaging of the cell over 24 hours, which enables researchers to identify the cells’ behavior and activity, specially the cancer cells. Dr. Alnaggar asserted that the new device will empower researchers to unravel new secrets about the causes of cancer and its treatment. The device will be available for researchers from outside the Hospital to use it.
