“Outcome of Rhabdomyosarcoma in First Year of Life; Children’s Cancer Hospital-57357-Untitled-2Egypt” is the title of a recent study by a team of 57357 researchers and physicians. The research study was accepted for up-coming publication in the renowned Open Access journal Sarcoma. The study could impact the treatment path and outcome of infants in their first year of life with this disease type.

The management of rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) in infants less than one year is particularly problematic and requires a tailored therapeutic approach.

From their clinical observation of a sizeable population of (RMS) patients in their 1st year of life, the 57357 team recommends to adopt aggressive surgery followed by radiation and chemotherapy. To decrease chemotherapy side effects, doses should be determined according to body weight only in infants and not according to body surface area as in adults or older children. According to 57357 findings, following this specific path of treatment, surgery/radiation/ chemotherapy, results in improved patients’ outcomes.

 Rhabdomyosarcoma is the most common of the soft tissue sarcomas in children. These tumors develop from muscle or fibrous tissue and can grow in any part of the body. The most common areas of the body to be affected are around the head and neck, the bladder, the testes, the womb or the vagina.
