Hospital 57357 held a celebration to honor school students who shared in the ” from one child to another” treatment sponsorship program. This program enablesschool students to support the treatment journey of their counterparts in 57357 through monetary donations. 325 students from 35 different schools across Egypt’s governorates, namely Cairo, Alexandria, Albehaira, Kafr Alsheikh, Suez, and Qalyoubeya, attended the celebration. The schools and universities unit at 57357Foundation organized the celebration which featured singing by 57357’s children band and the bands of the participating schools, poem reading, and participation in art and crafts activities with the Hospital’s children.
Touta shares her story with cancer and how she defeated it in 57357
Tartil, nicknamed Touta, from Nour Alma’aref School is one of 57357’s children. Ten years old Touta introduced herself, saying: “ During a period of 2 years, I have been receiving treatment in 57357, and now I am recovered, thanks be to God. I love Hospital 57357 and its staff and wish that every student here would contribute tothe treatment of its patients.
Touta’s mother shared her experience with the audience: when I first came to 57357 I was scared, and thought that we would have to pay money, but they admitted my daughter right away, carried out surgery, and took excellent care of her, all for free. The doctor spent three hours with me to explain my daughter’s sickness, and how I should deal with it. He reassured me and thanks be to God, to people prayers, and to the efforts exerted by all the doctors and nurses, my daughter defeated lymphoma cancer. When I enter 57357, I feel like entering my own home, I will always come to visit it. I would like to send a message to each and every one who made amonetary or in-kind contribution to this charity, the goodness you make will be paid back to you some day. I pray to God to heal all the sick children.
The schools students were honored by offering each participating school a trophy with the participating student names written on it. Afterwards, the school students joined our children in an art and crafts workshop in the Hospital garden.
Our sincerest gratitude to Egypt’s students, your contribution will help realizing many children’s wishes for recovery.