web10 ramadanToday we commemorate a significant event in the lives of Egyptians. This is the memorial of what is known as the 10th of Ramadan war which is the same as the 6th of October War. In 1973, precisely on the 6th   of October of that year which corresponded to the 10th of Ramadan, Egyptian Soldiers achieved victory for Egypt on the battle front. Without this victory on that day, Egypt would not have been able restore its might and determination which led to many more victories over the enemy during that great war.


At 57357, we look up to our brave Egyptian soldiers and follow their example; as this special day is an inspiration to each one of us to be committed to plan right, work more, and achieve more in order to accelerate the completion of our ambitious capacity expansion projects. These projects, which constitute our present most important challenge, will result in abundant goodness for Egypt and its children.

We wish that this special memory and our great army men would be also a source of motivation to all institutions working for the development and progress of the New Egypt

