In 2020, Alaa was 17 years old when she started suffering from a severe headache and  continuous fever   for a whole week. Then, she suddenly lost sight in one of her eyes. The following day her condition turned out to be even worse as she suddenly lost her hearing capacity of one ear. The regular pediatrician asked for some examinations which ultimately didn’t give a definite diagnosis. Numerous ultrasounds and other tests were performed to figure out the reason behind the girl’s illness. Moreover, several standard medications including antibiotics and painkillers also didn’t work.

Finally, her pediatrician decided to refer her to CCHE57357. The following day, Alaa visited the CCHE57357’s screening clinic with her mother looking for an accurate diagnosis for her case. Results of her examinations revealed the mystery behind her illness and confirmed that she had AML (a form of blood cancer).  The sad news of her diagnosis evoked sad memories for the whole family:  they remembered the consequences of such a dreadful disease as they lost the father to the same enemy a couple of years ago.

“Thanks be for the whole medical team of CCHE57357 who offered full  medical and psychological support since the beginning of my treatment journey in CCHE57357”, shares Alaa, expressing her gratitude towards her oncology consultant who explained carefully and patiently the treatment protocol, possible side effects and survival rates of AML cases in the hospital. On the third floor of the hospital, Alaa immediately started her treatment protocol where she was hospitalized for a whole month making friends and connections with the hospital’s staff and other fellow patients.

After one of the assessments of Alaa’s medical condition, the medical team in CCHE57357 decided on a bone marrow transplantation procedure as a crucial and vital phase of her treatment plan.   Due to the extensive BMT waiting list of the hospital and the limited beds allocated for BMT cases, Alaa now has to wait until it’s her turn.  Alaa was fortunate enough to be admitted to the hospital during the tough times of the Covid -19 pandemic and she now needs more of God’s grace and people’s support and donations to speed up the process of finding a BMT bed to complete her treatment plan and win her battle against cancer.
