One of the most important achievements at Hospital 57357 in 2019 is the application of Cerner’s power chart oncology. This is a fully integrated electronic health record specifically designed to record the oncology team workflow related to the patient centered continuum of care including updates, prescriptions,  standard scheduled investigations, follow-ups,  treatment regimens and schedules, progression and cancer recurrence.

“As 57357 is a leader for adopting latest science and technology for improving care and outcomes of its patients , our IT system has become one of the most robust in the middle east,  reveals Dr. Mohamed Sedki, Pediatric oncology consultant at 57357.

Early on, since the start of operations at Hospital 57357, management relied on Cerner’s healthcare informatics system, one of the latest and most efficient systems worldwide towards achieving the goal of a paperless hospital, explains Dr. Sedki. As such, Cerner’s electronic medical record system enables us, at any time and any place to access clinical and para clinical data for prescriptions, results and documentation and at the same time allowing the  Joint Commission International requirements for  confidentiality. Still, one of the major and latest breakthroughs, one which proved particularly effective in handling consultants schedules amid the world corona pandemic, is the application of the power chart oncology, added Dr. Sedki.

Dr. Sedki’s personal experience with the adoption of power chart oncology

This latest innovative tool of Cerner, provides an automated preplanned application of the pediatric oncology protocols so that with simple clicks we are able to anticipate for physician orders facilitating the flowchart in the most accurate and rapid way, improving care and decreasing congestion and waiting time.

Believing in the patients right of receiving the medical service despite the recent pandemic crisis,  hand in hand with providing the best protection for the medical staff, 57357 management has decided to adopt the slogan Stay safe # Normal flow chart , through working from home and working from the hospital.

Delighted by this initiative and depending on the three available high tech tools: 1) CernerR from home, 2) Power chartR 3) Microsoft TeamsTelemedicine, I decided to put them into action and it proved to be a real success.

At first, working from home through this system was confined to 10 simple consultations not in need of physical examination. Encouraged by the satisfaction expressed by the patients and their families, as they are reassured by the video direct contact with their consultant, i expanded the experience.

With the presence of 2 of my fellows, i found it an opportunity to apply the mentorship to the level of a complete clinic slot. Telemedicine offered both a teaching target and a clinical management with both types of patients: one under active treatment and a newly admitted one. I could lead the conversation for the history with the parent conjointly with the physical examination carried out by the fellow.  The consultation finalized by the medical secretary scheduling and my documenting the power chart application.

Overcoming time and space issues in specific obligatory conditions, Telemedicine and Cerner Power chart  offer new frontiers  providing a strong synchronized consultant/fellow /patient inter relationship for the best learning and clinical care objectives.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to higher management for their innovation, encouragement, and wisdom towards securing the wellbeing of both patients and care professionals.

