It is customary at 57357 to revive the memory of the October War Victory and honor its heroes. But this year, this day was no ordinary one, for we were celebrating two occasions: the 41ST anniversary of the October war victory and the advent of Eid El Adha. The 57357 foundation organized a special celebration through which the children would be familiarized with the events of a Grand National epic and rejoice over the up-coming of the Eid.
All through the day, 57357’s children with cancer were able to get a feel of the spirit of the October 1973 war that they have not seen. They listened to numerous stories of courage, bravery, and self sacrifice from the veterans. The latter were happy to visit with our little fighters, to give them hope and encouragement and an example to follow in their fight for cure. The children too had their share in story telling; they exposed their own battles against the disease and how they overcome it. Attending the celebration were representatives of different army divisions and a number of public figures.
Among the highlights of the event were the words of 57357’s board of trustees chairman, Dr. Amr Ezzat Salama, and of the Hospital’s, Dr Sherif abou El Naga. Dr. Salama acknowledged the War Heroes and the family of the late Egyptian president, Anwar El Sadat. He also greeted all the representatives of the different army and ministry of interior divisions. “Each year we commemorate the 73 war which demonstrated Egypt’s might and the importance of its army…. Today we also want to acknowledge Egypt’s institutions which are aware of their responsibilities towards building the new Egypt… among these institutions is Hospital 57357 which still pursues to achieve ambitious plans for Egypt and its children.” declare Dr. Salama
Addressing the war veterans, Dr Abou El Naga said “if it were not for you and the victory you achieved, Egypt would not have had any accomplishments and we would not have been present today in this auditorium”. Briefing the audience about the Hospital’s developments, he stated that the average over-all survival rate has reached 72% and vowed that it would reach 85% in three years time. He reminded them that all patients receive comprehensive quality care entirely free of charge and that the expensive treatment bill is paid by the donors from different walks of life, rich or poor, Christians or Muslims, young or old.” This auditorium where we are holding our celebration is a donation from the ministry of Interior” reveals Abou El Naga. He adds that the army has recently sponsored the renovation of the radiology department with five million Egyptian pounds. He also reveals that the land required for the up-coming 57357 capacity expansion, including the 300 bed tower, the health Sciences training academy, and the out-patient/radiology and proton therapy buildings, was also a donation from the government. Dr. Abou El naga highlighted the role of Egypt Cancer Network in the US in rallying Egyptian Americans and others around the cause of cancer patients in Egypt and in sponsoring the future expansion