Following the U.S. which in 2012 had declared September as the National childhood cancer awareness month, a number of child cancer institutions in other countries such as the UK, Australia and New Zealand have followed the same path. This year, the Children’s cancer Hospital Egypt 57357, largest pediatric cancer healthcare center in the world (300 beds) is seizing this opportunity to raise awareness about pediatric cancer among the Egyptian community. 57357’s awareness team in coordination with the fundraising team is organizing four main events during that month at the Hospital premises two of which are tied to national occasions: a religious Holiday, the Eid El Kebir, and the return to school season. The first event which was a launching ceremony aimed at acquainting the public with the golden ribbon and its meaning as the symbol of childhood pediatric cancer. The 4th event which will take place on September 28 is a fundraising occasion and a celebration of survivor ship. The event will be attended by a list of public figures and will feature “live” sharing of survivors’ stories.

All through the month of September, Face Book posts and internal messages inside the Hospital will convey a variety of awareness topics : Cancer disease and prevention, hand Hygiene, Virus C, Garbage, Healthy nutrition , smoking hazards, Dental Hygiene, Electricity saving ,physical activity, water conservation. Superman and Cinderella coloring books will be handed out to the children. These were specifically designed for our patients to encourage them to overcome the treatment’s side effects by taking care of their nutrition and following diligently their doctors’ instructions.
It is noteworthy that these events are organized within the framework of 57357’s comprehensive vision and battle towards a cancer-free childhood on several fronts among which the promotion of cancer awareness and prevention. For this specific battle in the fight against cancer, the 57357 Institution is exploring all venues for spreading awareness including media campaigns through TV ads, cartoon clips and Face book.

The Home without cancer initiative is another successful example for these campaigns. A multidisciplinary Hospital team was assigned to set up the “Home without cancer” campaign and its action to reach out to all Egypt’s provinces and all segments of the society.

Three editions of a Booklet titled Home without cancer were printed and distributed during events and schools and universities visits. They tackle a variety of topics such as healthy nutrition, food preparation, pollutant agents, and warning signs for different cancers. The 57357 awareness program is supported actively by its two affiliations: The Association of Friends of the National Cancer-free Initiative (AFNCI) and the U.S. based Egypt Cancer Network.
