On Sunday June 28th ECN Chicago Chapter hosted its second annual Appreciation Iftar at the Hyatt in Oakbrook, IL. The event was attended by 120 local Chicago ECN supporters which included members of EAS (Egyptian American Society) EAD (Egyptians Abroad for Development) NAAMA (National Arab American Medical Association) and Arab America. Highlights of the event were Emcee Ahmed Naguib’s call for action to involve the younger generation in supporting charitable causes in their motherland Egypt, guest speaker Dr. Omar Khalil’s positive experience during his recent visit to Hospital 57357, and Mrs. Barbara Hassan’s informative talk about the various ways of donating to ECN. Besides the Iftar dinner, the event featured a lavish dessert buffet, a silent auction, authentic Egyptian music, a magic show, a balloon artist, a face painter and crafts for the younger attendees. The Chicago Chapter raised an excess of $44,000 during Ramadan 2015.