In the framework of 57357’s eagerness to follow the latest development in the field of research, the immunology unit of the research department started conducting advanced research in the field of microbiome after receiving the anaerobic chamber model: bactron 300. The research will offer new horizon in understanding cancer, its development and its treatment.
Dr. Ahmed El-Awady, head of the immunology unit says that the bactron is used for transplantation of anaerobic bacteria to be used in research. This type of chambers is required for developing research in micrbiome science, which is one of the latest specializations in the field of research. The equipment was provided by ECN-Canada, with the support of its head, Dr. Mohammed Aggag, as part of the Association’s continuous support for cancer research.
Microbiome science
Microbiome science, which attracted global attention for the last few years, is about a group of bacteria that live in the enclosed areas of the body such as the mouth and the gut where its effect differs from one to another. During the last two years, microbiome research was linked to cancer research where it was found that some microorganisms may affect cancer medication positively or negatively depending on its type. This finding opens new era for the development of cancer diagnosis and treatment.
During the current year, research in the field of microbiom started to be linked to bacteria, cancer and immunity, where bacteria may affect the immunity system in a positive or negative manner, depending on its type. Immunity system disorder is one of the main causes of cancer, as it fails to identify cancer cells, consequently fail to eradicate it, which allow it to grow and spread.
Hospital 57357 is one of the first global institutions to adopt researches that link the triangle of bacteria, cancer and immunology. Currently, we have collaborative researches with Texas University and the Army Medicine College.
On the other side, 57357 is conducting one of the biggest global studies for the relationship between microbiome and leukemia, through studying the effect of this science on the immunity system, proteomics (cell functions) and genomics (genetic cells). Beside the immunology unit, cancer biology, proteomics and genomics units share in the study. This study may lead to new ways to specify the degree of the disease, and may offer a chance to develop medications that target cancer cells more specifically and effectively.
Dr, El-Awady, who returned to Egypt to work for 57357, after 11 years of studying and working in the USA in the fields of dentistry and immunology, is telling us: 57357 gave me a chance to realize my dreams regarding researches. Researches in 57357 may proceed faster than it in the USA because we have the advantage of being close to the treatment place, and the team in 57357 includes physicians along with researchers. These advantages give the chance to benefit from the actual results and data, besides the administration’s interest in promoting researches.
Dr. Ahmed Refat El-Awady
PMD in Oral Biology and Maxillofacial Pathology, Augusta University, Georgia. Worked as researcher for 11 years, for Augusta University in the field of immunity and microbiome