The 57357 Foundation in collaboration with Colorado University Skaggs School of Pharmacy launched an Infectious disease course On Sunday Oct.14, 2018.The training course was attended by some 150 students ranging from undergraduates to very experienced pharmacists from all across Egypt. The main lecturer of the 5 day program was Prof. Dr. Douglas Fish, Chair of the Department of Clinical Pharmacy at the University Of Colorado School Of Pharmacy in Aurora, Colorado and a Clinical Specialist in Infectious Diseases/Critical Care at the University of Colorado Hospital. Pursuing to improve clinical care and to share its leading experience in clinical pharmacy with Egypt’s pharmacists ,the 57357 Institution launched the training in collaboration with the university of Colorado, U.S. after having signed a memorandum of understanding with the syndicate of Egyptian Pharmacists. As such Hospital 57357 hosted trainees from Aswan, Alexandria, Ismailia, Fayoum and Cairo ,and from Hospitals with varied specializations and pharmacy students from faculties of pharmacy across Egypt. The lectures were not restricted to the treatment of infectious diseases in the case of cancer patients, it included the best way to use antibiotics with patients in general, and with infectious diseases patients in particular and how to determine their dosage.
“At Hospital 57357’s Auditorium, we also welcomed a group of trainees from Syria,” shares Ibrahim Abdo, 57357’s Senior OR clinical pharmacist and one of the most active coordinator of the program. Abdo added that the aim of the course was to encourage trainees to go beyond and to question the guidelines and principles they find in textbooks by exposing them to real cases studies first and challenge them to deal with them accordingly. He also shared that senior 57357 pharmacists were so enthusiastic to enable undergraduates to benefit to the maximum of the training that they spent their breaks sharing valuable prerequisite information to enable them to follow the course and be at the same level of understanding as their peers who had more expertise.
Chats with trainees, getting their feedback about the program
Pharmacist Mariam Abdel Salam, graduate of pharmacy faculty, Cairo University: this is the second time I participate in a training program in 57357. Last year I participated in a clinical nutrition training course. Over the course of five days I received valuable information such as the best use of antibiotics, which will be beneficial for my career.
Dr. Mohammed Mokhtar, head of clinical pharmacy department of the cancer center of Al-Agouza Police Hospital: We consider Hospital 57357 as the Tower of science. I have participated in many courses in this field, but the infectious diseases course that ended today is the first specialized training I receive. It included the best use of antibiotics in case of infectious diseases and how to specify its dose to reduce its consumption. It also included the latest research in the field. I have gained valuable information namely that patients with low immunity need a special treatment plan with antibiotics through which side effects could be minimized.
Abeer Mohammed, Alexandria pharmacy faculty graduate and Nour Alhoda Mohsen, Cairo pharmacy faculty graduate: we are delighted to attend lectures given by a highly expert clinical pharmacy professor from the USA in collaboration with 57357 specialists.
Dr. Ahmed Badawi, pharmacist in 57357 specialized in infection prevention and one of the course lecturers: Egypt counts the biggest number of pharmacists in the world. There are many subspecialties a pharmacist can choose from, such as research, infection prevention and the economics and epidemiology of medicines. we don’t need clinical pharmacy is not needed just in hospitals, but also in pharmacies to regulate the consumption of drugs. I have been working in infection prevention in 57357 for three years during which the Hospital administration was keen to offer us the chance to continuously improve our capabilities through education and training, providing us with the latest technologies and enacting preventive measures within a successful work environment that respects both patients and workers.
During the last lecture given by Prof. Fish, he expressed his delight with his visit to Egypt. “I have benefited a lot from your discussions and questions, and I hope you have benefited as well, he said.
At the end of the training program, certificates of completion were handed out to the trainees.