The program is provided for the first time in Egypt, enabling graduates to be professionally committed to optimizing patient care

The Pharm D training is a two-year program whereby students would get the didactic part of the curriculum through interactive online courses taught by University Colorado faculty and the practical hands-on training by 57357 preceptors within the Hospital’s premises. Moreover, students will be totally prepared to provide patient centered care through the usage of OSCE or Objective Structured Clinical Examinations, which is a real world approach to learning that will be normed to US standards.

“The program will enable students to have a great impact on patient care.  57357 preceptors will receive training and certification at the hands of University of Colorado Faculty. They will be selected on the basis of their ability to share the knowledge,” shared Dr. Sherif Kamal, the pharmacy’s general supervisor and director of clinical pharmacy program of 57357 academy.

Pharm D Program goals can be summarized as follows:

– To provide continuous clinical faculty training to ensure the best experiential education.

– To engage graduates in innovative practice models to improve patients’ outcomes.

– To develop competent and motivated graduates engaged in leading the improvement of healthcare outcomes in their communities as agents of change in Egypt and the Region.

Dr. Kamal revealed that, within its continues quest for development, the Hospital is going to initiate  more advanced programs for granting fellowship and consultant degrees in clinical pharmacy.


