Dr. Rasha Morsi Shares Story of Daughter Myrna’s Valiant Fight Against ITP, Inspiration Behind Naming Opportunity and BloodFeud Game
ECN had the privilege of sitting down with Dr. Rasha Morsi, an associate professor at the Center for Gaming Simulation at Norfolk State University in Norfolk, Virginia. She had originally contacted ECN in an attempt to pursue a naming opportunity at Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 (CCHE). As we learned more about her background and […]
Razan’s Journey of Success and Recovery
A young patient at CCHE named Razan traveled to Egypt from Saudi Arabia with her mother last year. At just the tender age of 12, Razan was diagnosed with non-Hodgekin Lymphoma (NHL) two years ago. Her voyage to Egypt, her parents homeland, was determined by the reputation of Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 (CCHE) as […]
In Memory of Beloved Board Member Ms. Ola Ghabour
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved board member, Ms. Ola Ghabour, after a short and valiant battle with cancer. Ms. Ghabour led a very successful life. She was a co-founder Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 in Cairo as well as Egypt Cancer Network in the U.S. As a […]
Bob Bradley, Egypt’s National Soccer Team Coach, Pays Visit to CCHE 57357 As Part of Holiday Tradition
Mr. Bob Bradley, the head coach for Egypt’s National Soccer Team, paid a visit to Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 (CCHE)with his wife, Lindsay. While there he commented on how CCHE was reminiscent of pediatric centers in the United States, attributing this sentiment to the “warm… caring environment” and the “special, spirited and cooperative” staff. […]
Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 (CCHE) Hosts Terry Fox Marathon at American University in Cairo on November 17th, 2012
For the third consecutive year, ECN’s major partner, Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 (CCHE), under the auspices of the Canadian Embassy in Egypt, has organized a fundraising marathon to promote cancer research in the name of Terry Fox, a Canadian athlete who fought cancer. The Terry Fox Marathon, which took place on the American University […]
Call for Support for Naming Opportunities through ECN at Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 and the National Cancer Institute
Please support the naming opportunity program that Egypt Cancer Network 57357 shares with its partners, Association of Friends of the National Cancer Institute (AFNCI) and Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 (CCHE). The Naming Opportunity program is specially crafted to commemorate your loved ones while simultaneously providing the framework from which CCHE and the National Cancer […]
Beloved Soldier, Journalist and Countryman Ibrahim Higazy Visits Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357
Mr. Ibrahim Higazy, a renowned sports presenter and journalist, was welcomed by Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 (CCHE) in the third week of October 2012 and spent his time encouraging the patients. In doing so he referenced his history as a soldier in the Egyptian army in the 1970s, during which he served Egypt in […]
PIMCO CEO Dr. Mohamed El-Erian Voices Support for Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 at ECN Iftar in Los Angeles, CA
Dr. Mohamed A. El-Erian, CEO of PIMCO, a major global investment company, attended the Egypt Cancer Network 57357 (ECN) iftar in Los Angeles along with his wife and daughter. They were inspired by the work that is being done by ECN in support of Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 (CCHE). Because of its effectiveness in […]
Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 Trains Two Ethiopian Pharmacists in Clinical Pharmacy
ECN’s major partner, Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 (CCHE) committed to hosting Meti Ayele and Yohannes Alemayehu, both prominent pharmacists based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, for a month-long training series pertaining to chemotherapy preparation. Both pharmacists were recommended to CCHE by the International Society of Oncology Pharmacy, noting the prime location of CCHE as well […]
Sagdah’s Story
At this time five years ago, in October 2005, a 40-day old baby named Sagdah was admitted to the patient care ward at CCHE 57357. At the tender age of just 25 days, Sagdah and her mother left their native country of Libya on a harrowing journey to Egypt. What they sought was a cure […]
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Children’s Hospital Boston and Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 Host International Fellowship Signing Ceremony in Boston
For Dana-Farber Cancer Institute’s Blog on this Partnership, click here. Representatives from Children’s Hospital Boston (BCH), Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) and Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 (CCHE) met last Friday, September 21st, at the Signing Ceremony for the Dana-Farber/Children’s Hospital Cancer Center and Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357’s Pediatric Oncology Fellowship. The ceremony was attended […]
ECN’s Achievements
As Ramadan draws to a close, ECN wanted to highlight the numerous accomplishments that we have accumulated over the past year. These include our sponsorship of an emergency supply of leukemia medication, the architectural design and expansion of CCHE 57357, feasibility studies for new endeavors, Egyptian medical researchers in seeking higher education opportunities to build […]
Fatwa Supporting the Donation of Your Zakat to ECN
You have the opportunity to donate your zakat to ECN during this holy month of Ramadan 2012, both through our general online donation system and also through our Ramadan team fundraising campaign. Dr. Ali Gomaa, the Grand Mufti of Egypt, was asked by a citizen about the permissibility of purchasing medical equipment for hospitals from […]
ECN Accountant Sameh William and Family Visit CCHE
ECN’s accountant, CPA Sameh William, paid a visit to Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 (CHHE) earlier this August. Since arriving in the United States in 2005, William has spent the past seven years working as an accountant for Shenouda and Associates, an accounting firm based in Los Angeles. ECN hired Shenouda and Associates in April […]
CCHE Celebrates 5-Year Anniversary with ECN, Sponsors and International Diplomats
On 07/07/07, Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 (CCHE) opened its doors. Five years later, they have accomplished so much. July 7th, 2012 marked the five-year anniversary of CCHE’s establishment. To celebrate the event, CCHE held a day-long festival for its patients and their families on July 3rd, 2012, including a military parade, handicrafts, face painting, […]
CCHE Celebrates Nelson Mandela’s 94th Birthday with South African Ambassador and Other African Ambassadors and Representatives
CCHE joined the South African Embassy in celebrating the 94th birthday of the highly-venerated activist and former South African president Nelson Mandela. The celebration was held at CCHE and was attended by the South African Ambassador to Egypt, Her Excellency Noluthando Mayende – Sibiya, as well as many other officials from the South African embassy […]
ECN Establishes Relationship with Sereen Fund and Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 Receives First WoW Project
On Sunday, July 1st, 2012, the Sereen Foundation, one of ECN’s partners, delivered the first component of its WoW Project to Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 (CCHE). The delivery was made by Sereen Foundation principals Dr. Tawfik Abdelmoneim, Magda Elreheimy and Tania Abdelmoneim. The donation consisted of arts and crafts supplies which were received by […]
ECN Forms New Tri-State Chapter and Meets with the Egyptian Cultural Center on June 9th, 2012
Dr. Sherif Abouelnaga visited New York and New Jersey on June 9th, 2012, where he was invited by the Egyptian Cultural Center to speak to the Egyptian American Professional Society (EAPS) during their quarterly meeting. He gave a presentation about Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 (CCHE) and it was very well-received by the EAPS. This was a […]
A CCHE Doctor’s Story: “How CCHE Brought Me Back to Egypt and is Helping to End the Brain-Drain”, by Dr. Hoda M. Amer
“How CCHE Brought Me Back to Egypt and is Helping to End the Brain-Drain”, by Dr. Hoda M. Amer Upon my completion of my fellowship in pediatric pathology from Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, I was faced with a serious personal and professional dilemma: was I to return to Egypt, where I was born […]
Egypt’s CCHE 57357 Needs You: Opportunity for Egyptian Researchers in the U.S. and Canada in Various Research Fields
Patriotic Egyptians, whether at home or abroad, are first attracted to the Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt (CCHE) 57357 for philanthropic reasons. Once they have had the opportunity to visit the hospital, it becomes clear to this community why CCHE is Egypt’s modern legacy. They consequently become highly committed to supporting this prestigious institution and inspiring […]
The Volunteer-Patient Relationship: Halema and Pasant
A volunteer at CCHE 57357, Pasant, wrote a touching story about her relationship with one of CCHE’s leukemia patients, Halema. Halema, who grew up in the governorate of El Wadi El Gedid, was first diagnosed with sharp leukemia in 2008. After over three years of treatment, she is now nearly recovered from her illness. What […]
Dr. Sherif Abouelnaga and the 3 C’s in life
Dr. Sherif Abouelnaga speaks to an audience in Dallas about the 3 C’s of life: choices, chances and changes. “You must make a choice to take a chance to change your life.” Dr. Sherif’s personal belief in the 3 C’s has helped him to change the lives of many. As a co-founder of Children’s Cancer […]
Evolution International Film Festival Showcases Egypt Cancer Network 57357
The Evolution International Film Festival, held on March 17th, 2012 launched its first annual festival from four international locations, including one in Los Angeles, CA, USA. The purpose of the festival is to spread cultural awareness, enabling both filmmakers and their audience to experience the intricate traditions of each culture and country represented. Festival co-founder and […]
Africa Unites to Cure Children with Cancer
Africa Unites to Cure Children with Cancer We are honored and pleased to announce the visit of twenty-three Ambassadors of Africa to Hospital 57357 this March. It is inspiring to see all the African Nations unite for a common cause: to provide treatment to children with cancer. The twenty-three African Ambassadors, headed by Ambassador Mona […]
Visiting Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357
Every year Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 hosts hundreds of visitors. Giulia, an Italian tourist, was simply passing by when the brilliance of the hospital’s architecture and gardens captured her attention. Her blog features pictures and descriptions of what was clearly a moving experience for her. It’s impossible to put into words what one feels […]